The plague in the zantine empire 541 749, in Lester K. Little (ed.), Plague and the End of Antiquity. The pandemic of 541 750 (Cambridge, 2007), 99 118. You can Read Plague And The End Of Antiquity The Pandemic Of 541 750 or Read Online Plague And The End. Of Antiquity The Pandemic Of 541 750, Book Read Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541-750 book reviews & author details and more at Free delivery on qualified orders. Ecology, evolution, and epidemiology of plague Robert Sallares 12. Towards a molecular history of the Justiniac pandemic Michael McCormick. He edited and contributed the introductory essay to Plague and the End of Antiquity: the Pandemic of 541-750 (2006), a collection of twelve essays on the history The Plague of Justinian (541 542 AD) was a pandemic that afflicted the zantine (Eastern Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541 750. However, scholars (like Lester K. Little et alii in their Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541 750), as evidence that the plague damage done on Read here Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic possible presence of the Justinianic plague in the province of Scythia Minor. Following contemporary epidemics or pandemics. Therefore process of ruralisation towards the end of the 6th and the 7th century. Plague at the end of Antiquity. The Pan- demic of 541-750 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 3-32. T